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Members of the IPCC

Currently, 195 countries are members of the IPCC. Thousands of scientists take part in the publication and review of data gathered during IPCC sessions, with the objective of a creating policy neutral agenda. Authors of IPCC reports are nominated by their governments or affiliated organizations. Scientific contributions are made on a volunteer basis and leading experts are chosen from both developed and less developed countries. In 2007, the IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Assessment Reports

As of 2018, the IPCC has produced 5 assessment reports, and a sixth report is currently underway and expected to be released by 2022. These reports outline the socio-economic, political, and envrionmental impacts of climate change. The most recent report, AR5, placed a greater emphasis on sustainable practices in light of rapidly changing climate.

Future Climate Scenarios

As part of an expert meeting report, the IPCC published a technical summary on future climate scenarios. The summary can be found here