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G. Everett Lasher

  • Department of Geology and Environmental Science

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. Northwestern University, 2019
  • B.S. Dickinson College, 2011

Representative Publications

Lasher, G.E., Axford, Y., Masterson, A.L., Berman, K., Larocca, L.J., 2020. Holocene temperature and landscape history of southwest Greenland inferred from isotope and geochemical lake sediment proxies. Quaternary Science Reviews 239.

Lasher, G.E. and Axford, Y., 2019. Mediaeval warmth confirmed at the Norse Eastern Settlement in Greenland. Geology 47, 267-270.

Axford, Y., Lasher, G.E., Kelly, M.A., Osterberg, E.O., Landis, J., Schellinger, G.C., Pfeiffer, A., Thompson, E., Francis, D.R., 2019. Holocene temperature history of northwest Greenland – With new ice cap constraints and chironomid assemblages from Deltasø. Quaternary Science Reviews 215, 160-172.

van Hardenbroek, M., Chakraborty, A., Davies, K.L., Harding, P., Heiri, O., Henderson, A.C.G., Holmes, J.A., Lasher, G.E., Leng, M.J., Panizzo, V.N., Roberts, L., Schilder, J., Trueman, C.N., Wooller, M.J., 2018. The stable isotope composition of organic and inorganic fossils in lake sediment records: Current understanding, challenges, and future directions. Quaternary Science Reviews 196, 154-176.

Lasher, G.E., Axford, Y., McFarlin, J.M., Kelly, M.A., Osterberg, E.C., Berkelhammer, M.B., 2017. Holocene temperatures and isotopes of precipitation in Northwest Greenland recorded in lacustrine organic materials. Quaternary Science Reviews 170, 45-55.

Research Interests

I use lake sediments to understand past climate changes around the world. I have previously worked in Greenland, reconstructing past tempertaure changes along the west coast over the last 11,000 years (the Holocene). I am currently involved with projects in Alaska, the Yukon, the western US (Utah), the Azores and Peru exploring temperature changes and drought history. I specialize in measureing oxygen isotopes from organic materials from lake sediment cores. My favorite proxy is oxygen isotopes measured from chironomids (the aquatic larval state), aka non-biting midges.